I started my new job this week at Planet Sub - yep, I'm a delivery driver, bitches! It's pretty much the best job ever because a) I only work 3 hours at a time b) I make bomb tips, yo! and c) MY MANAGER IS A GOD OF HOTNESS. He didn't even interview me he was just like, "can you drive, do you have a criminal record?" So I didn't tell him about my MIP, give me a fuckin break. Speaking of criminal offenses, I parked illegally because I'm a delivery driver now and that's what we do, and I was parked outside the store in this random driveway thing that was completely non-functional because it led to the windows of Buffalo Wild Wings, I think. Yeah, I got a $10 ticket for being parked there, and then I got a $100 ticket for expired plates. THEY EXPIRED IN FEBRUARY. I'm so pissed that the steam rising out of my ears has not only collected into a group of thunder clouds that are now ravishing my apartment and ruining my frickin carpet that was shitty even before I moved in, but I called my mom to bitch about it and she told me this illuminating story about how, when she'd first moved to Nebraska from Minnesota, she had expired plates and didn't pay the ticket, and the cops waited for her outside her apartment one day and took her to fuckin jail. She was so charming, though, that the cop didn't even put her in the holding cell, her friend was coming to bail her out, anyway. Yeah, pretty fucked up. I'm not as nice as my mom, and I feel like they would DEFINITELY hold me for another however many days just to curb my attitude. I'm a total bitch, so sue me.
Okay, this will be the last thing, I promise (I also promise hot guy pictures next time -- yeah, it'll fuckin rock). this last thing is a project I had to do for art history class recently about this architect, Sullivan, who actually did some really unique shit, take a look!
These first three are actually the same building, the Carson, Pirie, Scott and Co. building in Chicago. The first picture is the ironwork above the front doors. Sullivan's trademark was making iron look really organic and light and feminine, which isn't usually what you associate iron with. These last couple are from a church he designed - they're pretty neat lookin:
Click here to go to the site I got these from (if you're interested). It's actually a site that's run by the city of Chicago Planning, or some shit, and you can like, take a tour of the buildings that are made by certain architects. You should really fool around with the site if you're interested in architecture because it has some rad shit.
P.S. Check out my links under "Internet Adventures," most of them are other blogs I've randomly come across on blogspot that are either hilarious or really profound, or an interesting combination of both. Stay sexy!